Serenity Audio Player


Serenity Audio Player is a simple, clean and lightweight audio player. It uses Windows codecs without a hefty interface.

Screenshot of Serenity


This software is licensed under the terms of the GPL Version 2 license.


Latest stable precompiled Binary (with MiniCRT)
serenity.exe (version 3.4.1, 47.5 Kb, last updated 16 Jul 2017)
Latest stable self-installer (with MiniCRT)
serenity-installer.exe (version 3.4.1, 57.1 Kb, last updated 16 Jul 2017)
Latest stable source code (version 3.4.1, 62.2 Kb, last updated 16 Jul 2017)
Latest development precompiled binary (with MiniCRT)
serenity.exe (version, 47.5 Kb, last updated 25 Jun 2017)
Latest development self-installer (with MiniCRT)
serenity-installer.exe (version, 58.2 Kb, last updated 25 Jun 2017)
Latest development source code (version, 62.2 Kb, last updated 25 Jun 2017)
Older versions
See the archive page.

System Requirements

To run Serenity binaries, you need Windows NT 4 or newer. Note that Windows 95/98/Me are not supported by these binaries.

To compile from source, you need Visual C++, version 4 or newer. Free versions of Visual C++ are included in the Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools, Windows SDK 7.1 (2010), or Windows SDK 7.0 (2008).

Build instructions

  1. Open a command prompt to your version of Visual C++ and set up your environment.
  2. Unpack and enter the serenity source tree.
  3. Most of the time, just run "nmake".

Compilation options

Compilation options can be used by passing arguments to NMAKE.

DEBUG=Enable debug code. Valid values are 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled.) Default is 0.
MINICRT=Compile against Minicrt rather than Msvcrt. Valid values are 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled.) If 1, minicrt.h and minicrt.lib must be in %INCLUDE% and %LIB% respectively. An alternative way to use Minicrt is to extract it into a crt subdirectory within the serenity directory, and it will be used automatically. Default is 0.
MSVCRT_DLL=Compile against the shared, DLL C runtime library, or the static version. Valid values are 0 (static C runtime), or 1 (shared C runtime.) Default is 1.
UNICODE=Compile a Unicode or ANSI version of the binary. Unicode is more useful on NT, but ANSI is required to run on Windows 95. Valid values are 1 (Unicode) or 0 (ANSI.) Default is 1.