
The WinCvtGetConverterImportCapabilityList interrogates a particular converter file and obtains the list of import conversions it is capable of performing.

  LPCSTR szConverter,   // Path to the converter to query
  WINCVT_CVT_LIST* List // List of the converter's capabilities


Path to the converter to query.
Pointer to a list object. Upon successful completion of this function, this will point to a list of import conversion classes that can be provided by this converter. To enumerate this list, use the WinCvtGetFirstClass and WinCvtGetNextClass functions. To free this list, call WinCvtFreeConverterList.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is WINCVT_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is the error code describing the failure. This code can be turned into a human readable string using the WinCvtGetErrorString.


The WinCvtGetConverterImportCapabilityList interrogates a particular converter file and obtains the list of import conversions it is capable of performing. To query the export converter capabilities, call WinCvtGetConverterExportCapabilityList.


WinCvt: Requires 0.1.0.
Header: Declared in WinCvt.h.
Import Library: Use WinCvt.lib.

See Also

WinCvtFreeConverterList, WinCvtGetFirstClass, WinCvtGetNextClass, WinCvtGetConverterExportCapabilityList, WinCvtGetErrorString.